Feb 6, 2023

Like any machine generating power, the engine in your Mazda vehicle can get very hot. If it wasn’t for car coolant, your engine would overheat within minutes. The experts at John Lee Mazda have the info for anyone curious about engine coolant and why it is essential.

What Exactly Is Engine Coolant and What Does It Do?

Car coolant regulates your engine’s temperature. This involves cooling the engine during use and in hot weather, and preventing your engine from freezing over in colder climates. The liquid coolant helps transfer the heat from the engine, keeping it running at a safe operating temperature. Without coolant, your engine can overheat and stop working at any moment.

How Do I Know that I Have Enough Engine Coolant?

Under the hood, your car will have a coolant expansion tank where you can add additional engine coolant. Many tanks are translucent, letting you see the coolant as it is stored.

On this tank, you should see markers that tell you what coolant level to aim for. If your coolant level is below these markers, you need to fill up with more coolant.

What Type of Car Coolant Should I Use?

Depending on your vehicle, you’ll want to add a specific kind of coolant as specified by your owner’s manual. These coolant specifications are based on manufacturer specifications during construction; while other coolants can work well enough, you always want to fill up with the recommended coolant.

Get Your Car Coolant Replaced at John Lee MAZDA

If you’ve noticed that your engine is running hotter than it should, bring your car to John Lee Mazda for service. We can identify if there are any problems with your coolant system.